Investing in Quality
At H V Wooding we ensure consistent quality product by continuously improving, developing, and investing in problem solving solutions, with state-of-the-art measurement equipment to compliment the already, vast array of Quality Control checking aids and devices.

To assist the constantly evolving challenges that face our highly experienced quality team at H V Wooding, we have recently invested in the super accurate Trimos height gauge repeatable to 1µm and the Vision inspection system ‘InspecVision Planer’ for fast and accurate measurement of multiple parts complying with BS6001 batch inspection and relevant AQL, at the touch of a button.

With our CMM’s ‘Aberlink Axiom Too’, accurate to 5µm volumetric and new profile projector – ‘Midland Metrology JT12-AZ’ and XRF Fischer X-Ray XDL220 X-ray we have proved that no dimensional validations are beyond our capabilities, giving confidence to our customers of Quality Assured product through validation.